What It Does: With the release of Technician, Breloom began to shine even more.
This is what we'd like your posts providing sets to look like, and remember to export the set from a simulator so it's easily importable! This project is also a great way to get noticed for that super cool Community Contributor badge that everyone wants, or if you already have it you can work towards keeping it, so don't feel like you need to be the winner to win! The user with the most points at the end of this project will receive a cool custom title to show off. For every set you contribute you will be awarded two points, and for every quality discussion post based on a previously posted set. Now as if having fun posting sets wasn't enough incentive for you we'll be using a point system. This is a great way for you people new to OU to see what are good additions to your teams so check in regularly to see which pokemon work so you can improve your team building skills! Discussion on sets is encouraged so don't worry about jumping in and offering your input on a posted set! If a pokemon fits under more than 1 category list the job it is geared towards the most first followed by the other roles it can perform with the same set. Other users can then comment on the set and discuss if it should be placed on the good or bad side of the fence. Those sets belong in one of the creative move-set threads located in the OU sub-forum. Remember however this is not the place to post over specialized / gimmick sets.
Also feel free to post sets that people should not be using, yet still do. That's where you guys come in! By posting your favorite sets with a quick little description you can help save new users everywhere from using some of that more terrible sets, as well as helping them fill out their team by giving them a quick list of what fills different roles. Considering the usage stats, new players maybe confused as to what is good to use in the tier. From Physical Sweepers to Hazard setters, we're looking to find what pokemon are good at doing the job. This project is all about discussing which pokemon are good at all the "roles" there are in OU.

We want you guys to post sets that function well, or not so well, in the current OU metagame and explain why they do or don't succeed. If so welcome to the OU Team Building thread! The aim of this project is to help newer players know what is, and isn't, viable to use on their OU teams. Approved by Harsha and Pocket, credit to DittoCrow for the original idea.ĭo you ever see something on ladder and stare in amazement at your opponent for using it? Do you know a great niche Pokemon that isn't seeing enough usage? Are you tired of these two baffling scenarios?