Sovereign Protectors: They Protec But They Also Attac.Praetorian Guards: Red Guard Redemption.Knights of Ren: Friends Make the Worst Enemies.Jabba the Hutt: Crime Lord of the Outer Rim.General Grievous: More Sabers than Sense.Emperor Palpatine ( The Rise of Skywalker): Yes, Him Again.Emperor Palpatine ( Return of the Jedi): Emperor, Sith Lord, Senate.Darth Sidious: Also Known as the Senate.Darth Vader: Loves the Dark Side, Hates Sand.Darth Maul: Red Dude with a Bad Attitude.Boba Fett: The Galaxy’s Most Infamous Bounty Hunter.BB-9E: First Order BB-Series Astromech Droid.Anakin Skywalker: Ex-Podracer and Current Sith Apprentice.
Lego star wars saga full#
Here’s the full name card for every boss in the main story campaign: We know you’re out there and we salute you.) For instance, each boss in the game gets an introductory name card, featuring their name in English (or localized language) and then a subtitle in Aurebesh. There’s also Aurebesh aplenty in the game’s cinematics, most of which go by too quickly to translate without grabbing a screenshot. As such, you can stop on any street in the Uscru District on Coruscant and translate the name of every storefront and find a few inside jokes. And since every letter in our Latin-script alphabet has a corresponding letter in Aurebesh, the latter can easily be translated into English. Like most visual media in the Star Wars universe, The Skywalker Saga makes liberal use of Aurebesh, which is the written form of Basic, the language spoken by most of the main characters. Presumably, this used to be Finn’s workspace.Īurebesh You Didn’t Catch All of These Image: TT Games/Warner Bros. While sneaking around Starkiller Base during The Force Awakens, if you disguise yourself as a Stormtrooper and unlock the door directly across from the interrogation room, you’ll find the janitor’s closet, with a cleaning cart and a holographic blueprint for a motorized floor-buffer.That’s an E3-standard starship lifeboat, the craft that Yoda took to Dagobah to escape the Jedi purge. On Dagobah, if you wander up to the clearing in the northwest of Dragonsnake Bog, you’ll find a tripedal artificial structure.

You can unlock a T-16 elsewhere in the game, but this one’s just a piece of scenery.
Lego star wars saga plus#
While many recognizable Star Wars landmarks from the nine episodes are incorporated into the game via puzzles and side missions, there are a few artifacts - plus some foreign objects - hidden away in nooks and crannies: Image: TT Games/Warner Bros. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best hidden treats we found during our playthrough. The game is also overflowing with jokes, references, and background gags for attentive players, particularly if you’re a chapter-and-verse Star Wars fan with one foot in its expanded universe of comics, novels, and video games. The Skywalker Saga might be the most complete and accessible Star Wars video game experience to date. You can play through abbreviated, kid-friendly comedy versions of all nine of the numbered Star Wars films, run wild across two dozen planets, and cycle through about 400 playable characters and costume variants. In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the Star Wars galaxy is yours to explore, smash apart, and rebuild.